Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Confessions of a Logophile

I love words. I mean I really, really love words. I keep a journal full of words that I revisit every now and then like old notes from high school and journal entries – the words a memory of what was going on in my life or a reminder of what I was reading at the time. I love words on their own - words like “miscreant” and “pugilistic”. And I love words in lyrics. And in quotes - words that are strung together so well that the quote itself deserves a word.

I have a mini library of quotation books that I’ve collected from resale shops and bookfairs but nothing that’s a solid compilation of quotes. So you can imagine my excitement when I found that Yale University Press had just published a book of 12,000 quotations. The book itself is a beautiful thick hardback with a smooth white jacket with such a nice hand that you can’t help but hold it to your chest and feel the weight of it and just savor it and never want to put it down. All this hit me before even breaking the spine but the pages inside did not disappoint. The book is organized alphabetically by author, and then within that chronologically by when and where the words were first uttered. The not so good – it’s difficult to find a quote for a particular topic. The great – you can read it “from the top of the first page to the end of the last day” (bonus points if you know where that’s from) like a novel. Want to know what unexpected insightful gems J.K Rowling has penned? You’ll have a page worth of quotes. Anything from Rumsfield? Done. Tupac? Present!

I’m adding this book to my list. A must have on any bookshelf.

Even if the shelf is in the bathroom.

lipstick kisses,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
