Thursday, July 19, 2007

the dove challenge - results!

Can I just tell you how happy I was to be able to get my hands and fingers around my lovely jars and bottles? The challenge ended Sunday evening and the first thing I did was grab my Natura Bisse GlycoPeel and slather the stuff all over my face. It felt so good to get a fix after 2 weeks. Even the initial sting was bliss. Ah! Spoken like a true junkie!

Here's my challenge recap: It was nice having a 1-step skin-care routine at night. Wash and sleep. Wash and sleep. And I did get a few comments on how my skin was looking better. It took a little getting used to but I would almost look forward to the soft scent the soap would leave on my skin.

But I must confess! I have continued to use my dove bar soap to wash my face. What can I say? It smells good and leaves my skin smooth and soft and I don't have to use a moisturizer every night.

Anyway, I have also started back on Tazorac - my super-duper, rx only, acne buster. I was on it last summer and winter and quit because I wasn't seeing real difference. I'm giving it another shot though. I'll keep you posted.

lipstick kisses,

1 comment:

Mo said...

your skin did look better when we went to see H.Potter #5